Company details

This website is operated by TrM Translations

Company name: TRM Fordítási, Marketing és Informatikai Szolgáltató Kft.

Registered seat: 1015 Budapest, Hattyú u. 14., Hungary

EU VAT ID: HU13269643

Corporate registry ID: 01-09-726698 (Hungary)

For some of our projects we rely on our sister business, Business Support Services.

TrM Translations in the press

A comprehensive home office transformation prompted by COVID: successes and challenges [ Translation Industry News; 2021]

Hungarian Translator Keeping Expats Informed [MultiLingual; 2020]

TrM Translations has voluntarily provided translations of COVID-related news for expats in Hungary [ Translation Industry News; 2020]

Translating a Need [The Budapest Times; 2020]

Estimate the costs and get a quote

For multiple/other languages and additional services, please request a quote.

The prices indicated in our calculator exclude the VAT and are guideline figures. They may change depending on the actual document, and thus do not constitute a binding offer. For a precise quote reflecting discounts and also indicating deadlines please send us the documents to be translated:

The materials to be translated personal data. See also our General terms and conditions.
I have read, understand, and accept the contents of TrM Translations' privacy notice accessible here   *

The materials to be translated personal data. See also our General terms and conditions.
I have read, understand, and accept the contents of TrM Translations' privacy notice accessible here   *